Vertical Divider
How We StartedNineteen years ago, while serving an extended term of missionary duty away from home, God placed it in the mind of Anthony and Andrea Yorke, through the witness of the Holy Spirit, to plant a church upon return to the United States. Without even so much as an idea where that church would be, or how it would come to pass, God prepared even the name Harvest Preparation Ministries and He has not failed in His faithfulness to provide the step by step specific guidance and direction we have needed in the 13 years since our incorporation in the City of Tamarac.
Since that time, we have adopted the slogan "Building Quality Laborers" as the motivational standard and guiding principle for the church based on the admonishment of the scripture in Luke 10:2. With leadership from Pastor Anthony and his wife, Andrea, our church family seeks to perpetuate an attitude of ultimate obedience to Christ in all facets of ministry . We embrace the basic principles of obedience to the word of God, faith in his ability to perform what He has spoken, and a total dependence upon Him to complete whatever He initiates. These principles have proven true for centuries as substantiated by the Holy Scriptures and they are still true today. |
Who We Are |
At Harvest, we understand the work of evangelism to be an all- church effort. We encourage the whole body to be involved in the process of evangelizing our communities. We also recognize the necessity for the enablement of the Holy Spirit [Acts 1: 8] if our evangelistic efforts are going to be effective. In obedience to the great commission of [Matthew 28: 18 – 20], we are called to go to the ends of the earth with the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
These three basic principles of Evangelism have motivated us to equip ourselves for the task through various methods of formal presentation along with fasting, prayer, and bible study. We believe that as our lives bear evidence of the indwelling spirit we become available channels of reconciliation through which the Holy Spirit will carry out His ministry of conviction, thus drawing men and women to Christ.